Disc 1. 1. Thinking Scientifically about Decisions ; 2. The Two-System Model of Decision Making ; 3. The Role of Heuristics in Decisions ; 4. How Habits Make Decisions Easier ; 5. Self-Regulation and Choice ; 6. The Value Curve and Human Decisions
Disc 2. 7. Emotional Influences on Decision Making ; 8. How Goals Guide Our Decisions ; 9. Reason-Based Choice ; 10. Mental Accounting as a Factor in Decisions ; 11. The Role of Mindsets in Decision Making ; 12. How Consistency Drives Decisions
Disc 3. 13. Social Influences on Decision Making ; 14. Nonconscious Influences on Decision Making ; 15. An Evolutionary View of Decision Making ; 16. Regulatory Focus and Human Motivation ; 17. Decision Rules ; 18. How Context Influences Choice
Disc 4. 19. How Framing Effects Guide Decisions ; 20. The Role of Memory in Decisions ; 21. Assortments, Variety, and Choice ; 22. How Evaluability Affects Decisions ; 23. Halo Effects and Choice ; 24. The Four Rs of Decision Making.