From the Book - First U.S. edition.
I didn't have this book when I was a boy -- Essential gear -- The greatest paper airplane in the world -- Seven wonders of the ancient world -- The five knots every boy should know -- Questions about the world: Why is a summer day longer than a winter day? Why is it hotter at the equator? What is a vacuum? What is latitude and longitude? How do you tell the age of a tree? [tree rings] How do we measure the earth's circumference? Why does a day have 24 hours? How far away are the stars? Why is the sky blue? Why can't we see the other side of the moon? What causes tides? How do ships sail against the wind? Where does cork come from? What causes the wind? What is chalk? -- Making a battery -- How to play stickball -- Fossils -- Building a treehouse -- The rules of soccer -- Dinosaurs -- Making a bow and arrow -- Understanding grammar: Nouns, Verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, articles, prepositions, interjections, sentences, subject and object, nominative and accusative, who and whom, clauses and phrases, tenses -- Table football -- Fishing -- Timers and tripwires -- Baseballs most valuable players -- Famous battles: Thermopylae, Cannae, Caesar's invasions of Britain, Hastings, Crecy, Waterloo, Balaclava, Rorke's Drift, The Somme, Lexington and Concord, The Alamo, Gettysburg --
The rules of Rugby Union and Rugby League
Extraordinary stories: Scott and the Antarctic ; The Wright Brothers ; Touching the Void ; Douglas Bader ; Robert the Bruce
Making a paper hat, boat, and water bomb
Navajo Code Talker's Dictionary
Marbling paper [marbled paper]
Mountains of the United States
The golden age of piracy [pirates]
The Declaration of Independence
Wrapping a package in brown paper and string
Star maps: what you see when you look up
Seven poems every boy should know
Latin phrases every boy should know
A brief history of artillery
Hunting and cooking a rabbit
Timeline of early American history
Seven modern wonders of the world
Books every boy should read
Standard and metric measurements
Dangerous Book for Boys badges.